Okey DOC

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Okey DOC is a simple but efficient document management system. It allows you to manage easily your documents through your Joomla website.
Okey DOC takes advantage of the Joomla ACL as well as its data model.
You can organize your documents by categories then link them to articles or article categories.

Main features:

- Anti-leech system to prevent direct linking
- Local or remote document storage
- Allows to link documents to articles or article categories
- Joomla ACL support
- Joomla tag system support
- Preservation of the original file names in a sanitized version (no spaces, no accentuated characters etc…)
- Safe management option (ie: avoid the basic users to access some sensitive functionalities as the folder management)
- Icon management (ie: an icon is displayed for each type of file, but you can also add your own icons)