BM Grid Slider For JoomShopping

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- This is a gallery to show products with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for VirtueMart component.
- Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, you can't leave your eyes from images when they change.

- You can't believe that beside 10 effects for paging, it support 10 effects for hover event on images. It's true! You will surprise with effects for hover, they are smooth and beautiful.
- You can select data in categories or specific items that you want to show.
- You can config color for button of pagging.
- Module support responsive, you can config how you want it display on each screen size.

** Module's configs **
- Source from categories or product's id
- Number of displayed products: Number products display
- Display: select order type

** Display and Effects **
- Config image's width & height
- Select Resize Type: Scale fill, Scale inside, Scale Ouside, Crop, Crop resize.
- Number items per page: number of items you want show on one page
- Select effect: Support 10 amazing effects(Fall,Slide,Rotate Fall, Rotate Scale, Stack, 3D Flip, Bring Back, Supper Scale, Center Flip, Front Row)
- Select hover effect: Support 10 nice effects when hover images (Style1 to Style10). When hover it will show title, descripiton and button readmore.
- Title limit: Limit characters for title
- Readmore Limit: Limit characters for description
- Show description: Show description or not
- Kept Html: Kept html tag or not
- Show readmore: Show readmore button or not
- Readmore label: Change label for readmore button
- W1024 columns, W768 columns, W480 columns, W320 columns,W240 columns: Module support you config number of columns for each screen size.
- Buttons color: color for pagging buttons.