Chola Store Locator

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Responsive Store locator will help your customers to locate your stores efficiently from any device which has an Internet browser.


-- Proximity search via Zipcode search included
-- Show the streetview of a specific location
-- Get Directions right from the infowindow
-- Groups the crowded markers as clusters
-- Upload yours or select a custom marker to show on the map
-- Select services offered on a specific store or location
-- Responsive Store Locator with Google Maps
-- It can be used as Dealer locator or Hospital Locator or Office Locator etc
-- Ultra Sexy info window with the automatic street view image
-- Don't know latitude and longitude of your location.No worries, leave it blank and our program will find it for you
-- We support android, ipad, iphone
-- 1 Minute installation.Just use the joomla extension manager to upload the component.
-- Receive free updates and support when your subscription is active.