Inline IXCBA® (Amazon Payments - Checkout By Amazon for US & Europe)


Inline IXCBA® (Amazon Payments - Checkout By Amazon for US & Europe)

The Official Checkout By Amazon solution for Magento.

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IXCBA® is a module that not only integrates Checkout by Amazon (Amazon Payments) into magento, but it is a comprehensive Checkout By Amazon solution with a full set of built-in features that supports order processing throughout the complete order cycle from when it is placed until its fulfilled and closed. IXCBA™facilitates an easy and clear order placement process for customers through its customizable and one-hundred percent "inline" interface that enables customers to select their shipping address and payment information right on your site. As for the admin side, IXCBA® seamlessly integrates magento order management actions with Amazon seller central through Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) and Instant Order Processing Notification (IOPN). This helps sellers using magento platform to carry out order processing and management actions such as invoicing, order cancellation, order adjustments, shipping/fulfillment, refunding, etc. for both magento and Amazon seller central simultaneously. This complete IXCBA® integration with Amazon Seller Central enables higher levels of selling automation, which helps sellers grow their business. By using IXCBA®, Magento sellers can increase selling efficiency, reduce labor requirements, and improve response time to customers.

IXCBA® is designed in such a way to avoid conflict between Checkout By Amazon and Magento order sequences; therefore keeping orders in-sync between the two systems.