SJ VirtueMart Scrollbar Module Featured
I am pleased to announce that we have released Yt VirtueMart Scrollbar Module for VirtueMart Component. This module will help you to show specify products from a category or some c ...
10 votes
SJ K2 SlideShow III Featured
From the success of Ytc K2 SlideShow module, Yt K2 SlideShow II module, today we are pleased to announce that Yt K2 Slideshow III has been released. Yt K2 SlideShow III helps you ...
30 votes
SJ K2 Category Summary Featured
As Yt Category Summary module for Content Component, today we have duplicated Yt K2 Category Summary module for K2 Component successfully. If your site is using K2 component, this ...
28 votes
SJ K2 Category Featured
Are you looking for a module which can arrange your categories so that users can see all? This module allows you to show all categories with 4 layouts and can put it anywhere in yo ...
28 votes
Yandex Maps Markers for ZOO is an element for ZOO CCK that displays nice Yandex Maps (v2.0) in ZOO content items. Using this element you can implement multiple maps on the same pag ...
User Article is a Joomla extension that helps you to create an article list at the front end of your Joomla site. The users have access to view, edit and delete articles from the l ...
Topics Auto Closer for Kunena is a plugin that can lock or remove topics with no answers during scheduled period of time. The plugin provides three actions: lock the topic, move th ...
From the success of SJ VirtueMart SlideShow module, SJ VirtueMart SlideShow II module, today we are pleased to announce that SJ VirtueMart Slideshow III has been released. SJVirtue ...
8 votes
SJ VirtueMart SlideShow is a professional module for the VirtueMart component. With 4 themes, 25 effects and multi-module in a page, you can use at more positions in a page. The mo ...
15 votes
As SJ K2 Slick Slider Module, we use 2 themes: Wood, Black and 25 Effects for the VirtueMart Component. If your website is using the Virtuemart Component, i am sure that you will n ...
13 votes
As Yt K2 Simple Tabs Module, today, i am pleased to announce that Yt VirtueMart Simple Tabs module has release. The module shows categories as tabs. In each tab, it allows you to s ...
13 votes
SJ VirtueMart Scroller is a module for VirtueMart component in Joomla. It uses to show the image and name of product which you want to highlight to your customers. With nice effect ...
13 votes
Are you using Virtuemart Component? Are you finding a professional module to slide your products? Please choose our module for your website. With a lot of options, themes and effec ...
12 votes
As K2 Category ShowCase and Content Category ShowCase, today we are pleased to announce that Yt VirtueMart Category ShowCase has release. This module will help you to show products ...
14 votes
As SJ K2 Category, today, i am pleased to announce that Yt VirtueMart Category has released for VirtueMart Component. This module allows you to show all categories with 4 layouts a ...
14 votes
SJ VirtueMart Ajax Tabs Module is a professional module for VirtueMart Component. It allows you to show categories as tabs. In each tab, the module will use ajax to show items. Wit ...
14 votes