Templates from Rocket Theme
SolarSentinel is ready to impress, with its staggering assortment of new, powerful and functional modules; its array of varying module hilites; a sophisticated and SEO friendly lay ...

The incredible new dark variation of the TerranTribune template features a lightning fast and clean news / magazine style design with one of the most versatile layouts we’ve ever a ...

The incredible new dark variation of the TerranTribune template features a lightning fast and clean news / magazine style design with one of the most versatile layouts we’ve ever a ...

The exciting new Vertigo template takes style and design to a whole new level. This powerful template features a stunning new ‘Parallax’ motion effect with multi-layered artwork, p ...

Affinity is the July 2009 release from RocketTheme and features extensive third party support for powerful and popular community products, such as JomSocial, K2 and phpBB3. The tem ...

Akiraka introduces that incredibly functional and powerful Color Chooser, an administrator parameter addition that allows you to change the entire style of your site within seconds ...

Crystalline, the March 2010 Club Template release, features the new Color Chooser, a powerful new addition that allows you to customize the theme style with great ease. With just a ...

Dominion, the January 2010 Club Template release, starts the new decade bustling with new and awesome features. The Gantry Framework makes it debut with the January release, bringi ...

Hybrid is the November 2010 template release, featuring a rich, vibrant and adaptable design. The theme is divided into several independent color zones, for a truly dynamic appeara ...

Infuse, the October 2009 Club Template release, is an infusion of artistic flair and functionality. The theme boasts six, individual and unique, style variations, meticulously cons ...

Iridium, the November 2009 Club Template release, is a theme bursting at the seams with features such as the 6 unique style variations, the sophisticated styling of various popular ...

Juxta, the May 2010 Template Club release, is a design-centric theme, focusing on unique, professional and fresh visuals to constitute the fundamental appearance of the template. S ...

Kinetic, the February 2010 Club Template release, has a versatile and flexible design, styled with scrupulous precision, and founded on the functional, feature rich Gantry core. ...

Moxy is the September 2009 release from RocketTheme. The theme balances both a simple and complex design, from the inclusion of stunning header styles, complimented by conservative ...

Mynxx is the first ever RocketTheme template to incorporate the popular Joomla ecommerce / shopping component, Virtuemart. This integration is applied in a variety of platforms, su ...

Nexus is the August 2009 release from RocketTheme. Its primary focus is that of style control, allowing for quick, simple and wide reaching changes of the theme's styling with a fe ...