Your customer can pay online, using paypal or paybox (new payment system coming soon)
Sort, Filter and search functions which will help you to manage your orders and your invoices. You will also be able to export your invoices in CSV format.
Enhance your international activity with the multi-language feature and the possibility to handle multiple currencies.
Improve relationships with your clients by sending them customized emails at each step of their orders' progress.
Create and communicate discount coupons which can be user-targeted or for anyone.
Distinguish your orders from your invoices with double authentication (invoice and order number) as transactions progress.
Create new clients on the fly directly from the invoice generation form (No need to first create a client then the invoice). Reorder products via simple drag and drop.
Go further with Invoicing, using the multi-vendor funactionality that allows you to easily manage user accounts whether or not they are also Joomla! accounts.