eorisis: DCMI
- Includes all the available Dublin Core set of metadata elements and terms.
- More than 50 fields to enter metadata.
- Integration with core Joomla articles (separate metadata and options for each).
- You can enable or disable the integrations using the plugin option.
- You have custom selection of the variant (dcterms/dc) to be used in the meta tag.
- You have custom settings for Characters Limit.
- The Language DCMI meta tag gets the current page's language automatically.
- The Modified DCMI meta tag can use the Last Modified date of the article or a custom field.
- All the plugin's settings apply globally and can be overridden from the article's metadata settings.
- You have the option to remove or keep the Joomla Content Rights meta tag (it is not HTML5 Valid).
- Various of automation options for the metadata (more to come).
- Includes detailed descriptions and Dublin Core comments and recommendations on all included elements (on mouse over Titles and Help points).
- Metadata are available in both Online and Offline site modes.
- Uses Joomla native update system.
- Information Tab: Server Version Check and Release Notes (Does not auto-check for update).
- All fields are translatable through the Language Manager.
- The plugin uses the Framework and Php to integrate the metadata into the articles and add the meta tags in the head of the document, no JavaScript involved.
The following Joomla demo sites use eorisis DCMI.
View the source code and search for "dcterms"
Note: The code on these demo sites is minified and looks flat.
Joomla 3.x: http://eorisis.com/demo/joomla3/blog/
Joomla 2.5: http://eorisis.com/demo/joomla25/default/
One Installation Package / Fresh Install or Upgrade.
Compatible with Joomla! 1.7.1 or higher (3.1, 3.0, 2.5)
More info and Changelog: http://eorisis.com/dcmi