AdsVote rating system for AdsManager

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AdsVote is a powerful rating system for AdsManager component. It is the easiest and fastest way to allow your users to rate for their favorite ads with a cool Ajax rating system.

AdsVote comes with:
★ Joomla plugin: allows you to display the ratings in the ads details view.
★ AdsManager plugin: allows you to display the ratings in the ads list view and details view.
★ Module: allows you to display a list of the top rated/voted ads.

AdsVote is ready to go out of the box, and you can always adapt it according to you needs thanks to the various available options, all of them can be easily set in backend of Joomla.
AdsVote provides an easy voting system, requiring only a single click action for a speedy process. It’s time to bring your classifieds website to life with involving interaction from users

★ Five-star rating with the possibility of enabling half stars
★ Show average rating
★ Change the stars color
★ Show votes counter
★ Set rating access level (Everyone/Only registered users).
★ Display Top Rated ads or Top Voted ads
★ Dedicated support (Forum, Documentation, Ticket system)

Plugins Settings:
★ Choose in which position of the details view to display the stars (top, after title, inside ad or bottom)
★ Show or hide the average rating
★ Average mode: percent or out of five
★ Show or hide the votes counter
★ Enable or not the half stars rating
★ Rating access: Everyone or only registered users
★ Change stars color

Module Settings:
★ The number of items and columns to display
★ Category ID’s: if you want to display only the ads of a specific categories
★ Except Ads: if you want to prevent some ads from displaying in the module
★ Hit indicator position
★ Display or not the ads Image
★ Show or hide the stars
★ Order by number of vote or by rating average
★ Image Size of the ads
★ Display or not the category of the ads
★ Display or not the date of the ads
★ Choose the fields values to display with the ads
★ Change stars color

★ Joomla 2.5.x
★ Joomla 3.x
★ AdsManager 2.7.x
★ AdsManager 2.8.x
★ AdsManager 2.9.x

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