Skitter Slideshow For K2
The Module support to show K2 item's images (K2 component) or folder's images.
You can control many part of slideshow, show them or not, it belong to you.
You can select theme (5 theme), control part on it. It support many amazing animation (38 animations).
* Work nice on all browsers.
* Show aticles's images:
Category: Selects Articles from one or more Categories. If no selection will show all categories as default.
Count: The number of Articles to display (the default is 5).
Featured Articles: Show/Hide Articles designated as Featured.
Order: Select article with order.
* Module configs:
Select Themes: Give you 5 theme of Skitter.
Image's width & Image's height: Set size for image to resize, it is slideshow's size too.
Select Resize Type: You chose how articles's image is resized.
Get Images From: Help you select image in an article to show (Full article image, intro image and intro text).
Select Animation: Select animation you like (38 animations supported).
Auto Play: Slidehow auto play or not.
Show Controls: Show or hode control (Play & Stop button).
Controls position: Where you want show control.
Show Dots: Show pagiantion like dots (hover on dots will show thumb image).
Easing: You can select one in many easing effects.
Focus: Enable it and click to focus icon your slideshow will display on popup (it's nice!).
Focus position: Where you want Focus icon display.
Fullscreen: If you want slideshow display full screen.
Hide all tools: It will all tools when display but will appear when mouseover tools.
Interval: Speed change images.
Show Lable: Show label or not.
Label animation: Select animation for label (left, right, slideup, fixed).
Show Navigation: Show next and preview button?
Show number: Ahow pagination as number.
Number align: Align for number.
Show Preview: Show Preview buntton in navigation?
Show Progessbar: Display Progessbar or not.
Show random: Order display images is random or not.
Stop when over: Slideshow will stop when mouseover or not.
Show thumbs: Show thumb image or not.
Velocity animation: Speed for animation.
XML file: Path of XML file to load image and content. Eg: http://yourdomain/data/slides.xml. You can find demo for xml file in this module's assets/xml folder