Flexible - Modern Slider for Virtuemart
+ Show virtuemart products by categories in a nice slider.
- Lightweight, modern CSS3 animations
Our Virtuemart Slider is using modern CSS animations to generate the sliding and delay effects. It is very lightweight, only 2.7kb Js-file, and 14kb CSS-file.
- Comes with 2 themes
Pick the wone you like the most and rock your website!
- User-Friendly module parameters
Modify the module without coding knowlege only by using user-friendly module parameters.
- It is Responsive!
Virtuemart Slider and its CSS animations are well supported by all modern browsers as well as IOS, Adnroid and Tablets. Please browse the demo with your tablet or smartphone to see how our Virtuemart Slider is responsive.
- Multiple modules support
You are allowed to load multiple modules at the same page, every module will work independently.
- New, Featured, Soldout, Sale badges
If any particular products is Sale, Featured, Sold Out or New.. the small icon will appear to grab more attention to that specific products. If you don't want to show them, you are allowed to deactivate each icons individually through module parameters.
- Sort products as you wish
You can sort products by; Recently Modified First, Recently Created First, Title, Price Ascending, Price Descending, Best-Selling First, Most Reviewed First or Random
- Include sub-categories
Active "include sub-categories" and see all products from the selected category PLUS products of its sub-categories
- Multiple rows
You are not limited to single row of products. You can have more than 1 row.
and many others. See the DEMO!