MercadoPago for Hikashop
Install Instructions:
1_Make shure you have latest HikaShop version, tested with HikaShop 2.2.3
2_Install it using joomla installer
3_Publish plugin in joomla plugin manager
4_Create and configure payment method in HikaShop (Components->HikaShop System menu->Payment Methods->New)
5_In the displayed list, click the entry named 'MercadoPago payment module for Hikashop with IPN 2.0 and Checkout API'
6_Set Payment Name as you like
7_Set Published to Yes
8_Set configuration as you like in the 'Specific configuration' section
9_Click Save to apply configuration
10_Get Client ID and Client Secret from mercadopago (Option 'Obtener mis credenciales').
IPN Instructions:
To be able to use the IPN functionality, first configure the payment method in HikaShop, and the plugin will tell you the correct URL
Release History
1.0.0: First Release