Redsys payment gateway TPV for Virtuemart ( Servired / Sermepa)

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Receive online payments with credit cards in Virtuemart 2 using Redsys (Servired – Sermepa) payment gateway.

What is included in this Redsys payment gateway for Virtuemart 2?
Compatible plugin with Joomla 2.5 and Virtuemart 2. It’s really easy to install and configure your payment gateway in your store.
Ebook with detailed documentation (text + images) about the installation and configuration of the payment gateway.
Languages: Spanish, English
Support by email to resolve any questions or problems about using this plugin.
First free installation. If you want we can install and configure the plugin for you.
Optional: 1 videoconference session via Skype / Google Plus where we explain how it works and solve your doubts.

Which banks use Redsys payment gateway?
Which are the banks using Redsys payment gateway?
BBVA, La Caixa, Bankia, Cajamar, Banco Sabadell, Caixa Catalunya, Banco Santander, Banco Popular, Caja España, Cajamar, UNO-E, Barclays...

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