Super Forms Pro
★Choose from 4 existing layout types and styles. There are sidebar styles, mega styles and offcanvas styles so you have one amazing module to use in different applications. Besides complimenting WARP 7 based themes perfectly, the SuperForms Pro, can be applied to any Joomla based website. The offcanvas layout adds an an amazing offcanvas layout for display on Mobile devices or desktops, this allows you to easily offer Mobile device visitors a login option.
★You can inherit the CSS style of a WARP 7 based theme or you can choose to load one of the 3 built in UIkit CSS styles, so you can use this on any Joomla theme.
We have taken great care of usability and no compromise was made on security. After form submission, users will see a notification slide from the top of the screen in an unobtrusive way, so they get great feedback and conformation of the message sent successfully. The form only supports the widely and generally supported PHP mail functions , not smtp.
Super Forms Pro has a very light footprint, there is no chnace of it slowign down page load or loading unnecessary and redundant scripts.
★Built with UIkit
Built from the ground up with the Amazing UIkit from YOOtheme.
★User Feedback
Being intuitive, the form gives smart and modern feedback to your visitors during and after form submissions.
★Layout Styles
★★★Choose from 4 Amazing layout styles, Sidebar, Mega and Offvanvas layouts. The Mega Info style will allow you to show a Contact image, Socail Icons and Address details via the module settings.
Modern UI
★★Coded with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery today for tommorrow.
User Focus
★★Call to action styles with help with Conversions and the form generates great feedback after submission.