SJ Responsive Content for K2
SJ Responsive Content for K2 allows your audience to read K2 items in a non-stoppable way, and with joy. It is because of its ability to be infinitely scroll through all items available and will be popped up into a new pop pane when being clicked.
All details of configuration can be found in user-guide.
1. Support Joomla 1.7, joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.0, for K2 component
2. Fully compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
3. Responsive for PC and Mobile Layout
4. Allow to set total columns for showing articles
5. Allow to set target for links: New Window/Same Window or Popup
6. Allow to choose which category source to be showed, and by which order: Recently Added/Recently Modifie/ Most View/ Odering/Title field or Random
7. Support Multi-Module on the same page
8. Allow to set number of articles which you want to show in the beginning
9. Allow to change width/height of items' images
10. Allow to choose showing/not showing for title/description of articles
11. Allow to strip HTML from descriptions
12. Allow to change max length of title/description of items
13. Support Multi-Language
14. Support 4 modes for resizing images
15. Support caching to make your website load faster
16. Support SEO, pre- and post- text with each instance
VERSION 1.1 - Released on 15-Jan-2013
# Fix bug on Version 1.0
VERSION 1.0 - Released on 25-Dec-2012
+ Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.0.x