Domus Organizer Professional
★ Agenda
Keep track of all your appointments with customers and properties
★ Advanced search
You'll be able to run more effective searches, looking inside customer requests or property details: you'll be able to search for zone, price, number and type of rooms etc. etc.
★ Multi-language support
If your site has international customers you'll have to translate your contents.
★ Google Maps Street view
Do you want to show with exact precision where your property is? Turn on Street view service!
★ PDF printing
You can enable the option to print out PDF for your properties
★ Image watermarks on photos
Instead of standard text watermarks, you can create them using an image
★ Photo beautification
The images are the most important thing in the presentation of a property, rely on this feature to automatically improve them.
★ XMAP plugin: include your properties in the sitemap
Through the XAMP plugin, you'll be able to include your properties inside your sitemaps, leading to better search results.
★ Automatic search
Inside every customer/property, you will find a new tab reserved to the automatic search. Running the search, Domus Organizer will automatically search for properties that could interested your customer.
★ Properties assigned to agents
You can assign every property to an agency, that could directly receive contact email
★ Carousel Module included
Display your best properties using a fancy carousel module
★ Customers/Properties data import
Do you have data coming from an external source? Import them!
★ Assign agents to properties
You can assign every property to an agency, that could directly receive contact email