BM Articles Accordion
- This module support Content component .
- You can use this module on the top of your website as a slideshow. Your website will be more beautiful.
- This Module support 2 direstions are Horizontal and Vertical.
- Support 3 styles: Dark, Light, Sticth.
- You can config with and height of Acoordion, if - you want it auto resize follow screen's you can set width or height is 'auto'.
- Support Select Resize Type: Select a Type to Resize Images (6 types, you can use ORIGINAL IMAGE type if want to show image not resized).
- Support Get Images From: Where do you to get a image from an article (Full article image, Intro Image or Intro Text).
- This module support 4 themes to show items with different effects.
- The module support: Auto play, Action on Hover, Stop on Hover, Slide Interval, Slide speed, Start Slide and many other params.