JO Responsive Carousel
JO Responsive Carousel articles was built using the jQuery-library, you can use it on your blog or website on any kind of managed hosting server.
It is very simple to use and adaptive to any Joomla 2.5, 3.x website.
- Work on Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5.
- Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets).
- Drag & Scroll function.
- Keyboard and mousewheel support.
- Two carousel modes (Carousel, Circular).
- Animation effect (Slide, fade).
- Fast CSS3 & jQuery engine.
- Unlimited Slides.
- iPhone & Android swipe touch enabled.
- Customizable 100% via Module Parameters.
- Easy installation in your Website.
- Allows config show/hide Navigation.
- Allows config carousel.
- Allows config auto play.
- Allow config show/hide Title.
- Allows set Title word limit.
- Allow config show/hide Introtext.
- Allows set Introtext word limit.
- Allows config show/hide Category link.
- Allows config show/hide Author.
- Allows config show/hide Created date.
- Allows config show/hide the Hits.
- Allows config color for link text and title text.
- Allow config Only show content when hover mouse