JO Responsive Carousel for K2

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JO Responsive Carousel for K2 items is a responsive carousel module that allows you to show k2 items with a set amount of scrolling items in a professional way. The size and amount of scrolling items will automatically adjust depending on the browser size!.

JO Responsive Carousel for K2 was built using the jQuery-library, you can use it on your blog or website on any kind of managed hosting server.

It is very simple to use and adaptive to any Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x website and all version K2.

- Work on Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.x
- Work on all version K2.
- Fully Responsive & Mobile Optimized (Smartphones & Tablets).
- Drag & Scroll function.
- Keyboard and mousewheel support.
- Two carousel modes (Carousel, Circular).
- Animation effect (Slide, fade).
- Fast CSS3 & jQuery engine.
- Unlimited Slides.
- iPhone & Android swipe touch enabled.
- Customizable 100% via Module Parameters.
- Easy installation in your Website.
- Allows config show/hide Navigation.
- Allows config carousel.
- Allows config auto play.
- Allow config show/hide Title.
- Allows set Title word limit.
- Allow config show/hide Introtext.
- Allows set Introtext word limit.
- Allows config show/hide Category link.
- Allows config show/hide the Tags.
- Allows config show/hide Author.
- Allows config show/hide Created date.
- Allows config show/hide the Hits.
- Allows config show/hide comments counter.
- Allows config color for link text and title text.
- Allow config Only show content when hover mouse.

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