Twitter Timeline Genius

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Display any type of Twitter Timeline easily without installing embed codes or knowing any HTML on your Joomla 2.5 or 3.x website. Custom styling is also available without the need for any knowledge of CSS.

Types of Timelines available for display using this module (display any 1, 2, or even all 5 of the different Timeline Feeds supported):

Twitter Timeline Feed With Individual User Tweets for any Public Twitter User
Twitter Timeline Feed Showing of all Favorites for any Public Twitter User
Twitter Timeline Feed of any Twitter List
Twitter Timeline Feed of any Search Query or Hashtag Stream
Twitter Timeline of a Custom Defined Feed

Styling and customization options available for each Timeline:

Embedded timelines are available in light and dark themes for customization. The light theme is for pages that use a white or light colored background and follows the aesthetic, while the dark theme is for pages that use a black or dark color background and looks more like Tweetdeck.

As with your profile, you may choose a custom link color for your embedded timelines so that the content matches the links of your website and feels integrated into the color palette of your site.

For sites where the theme and link color do not provide enough customization to make the Tweets feel like they're a part of the page, we offer a set of additional customization features. These settings allow you to control the background color, borders, header, and footer of the timeline.
All of the following style variations are available in the module configuration settings for each Timeline:

Theme: Light or Dark.
Link color: Note that some icons in the widget will also appear this color.
Width: (units are pixels.)
Height: (units are pixels.)
Styling: Controls the widget layout and appearance:
noheader: Hides the timeline header.
nofooter: Hides the timeline footer and Tweet box, if included.
noborders: Removes all borders within the widget (between Tweets, cards, around the widget.) See also: border-color .
noscrollbar: Crops and hides the main timeline scrollbar, if visible. Please consider that hiding standard user interface components can affect the accessibility of your website.
transparent: Removes the background color.
Border color: Change the border color used by the widget. Takes an #abc123 hex format color.
Language: The widget language is detected from the page, based on the HTML lang attribute of your content. You can also set the HTML lang attribute manually.
Tweet limit: To fix the size of a timeline to a preset number of Tweets use this setting. Since the widget is of a fixed size, it will not poll for updates when using this option.

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