You can use it for your personal, family, or company financial control. Create as many accounts as you want to know how much you spend using Credit Card, Bank transfers, cash. Know the total outcome or income for a given period of time, a given category or account. or all at once! Using the handy filters the extension we provide, you can know how much you spend in everything in just a couple clicks.
Most Sparkling Features:
Let vAccount keep track of all your Transactions.
Let vAccount add your regular trasanctions automatically.
Already have lots of transaction data? Let vAccount add it to your Database with CSV file.
vAccount lets you monitor your growth daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
Reminds you of your upcoming transactions.
vAccount lets you Categorize your trasanctions to give you a clear picture of your income/expense.
vAccount lets you see graphical reports on your income/expense/growth.
Categories your Transactions to give you a clear Picture.
Let vAccount add your Old Transactions in a Single Pass.
Lets you see Graphical Reports on your Income/Expense/Growth.
Other Features:
User Friendly.
Support all morden browsers.
A completely automated way to file, approve and reimburse expenses.
Unlimited number of transaction mode (Online, ATM, Cash, Cheque, Credit Card).
Up to 40 percent savings on expense reporting costs.
Filter results by transaction name, mode, type and date range.
Grapical filter results of your Income/Expense/Growth.
Colorful view to quickly identify the nature of your expenses.
Analyze expenses by person, department, category,
and more. Customizable, too, so you can decide what summaries and details you want from the data.
Expand categories labeled Groceries, Medical, Clothes, Transport, Cleaning Supplies, and others, many with detailed subcategories such as Dairy Products and Phone bills etc.
View authorised or unauthorised spend at a company, team or employee level. Drill down to source data by type of spend to identify causes and any issues. Export reports into excel with click of a button.