Yendif Video Share
** General Features **
- A beautiful HTML5 & Flash based Responsive Video Player
- Play well in mobiles, tablets & desktops
- Vast amount of player configuration options
- Support responsive templates
- Beautiful and Powerfull video gallery system to display video/category thumbnails
- Ability to sort categories & videos as Latest, Popular, Featured, Most Rated, Date Added, Custom Ordering
- Comment & Rate videos
- Add your own social share script (ex:addthis)
- Videos embeddable to other websites
- Subtitling video(support only one language)
- Track the player events through your Google Analytics account
- Control playback through keyboard shortcuts
** Supported Formats **
- Play YouTube URLs
- RTMP Streaming and ability to add HLS stream as the mobile fallback
- Show Third party embedcodes
** Admin Features **
- Simple & powerfull admin interface
- Create unlimited categories & sub-categories
- A flexible video management system to add, edit, delete, publish & unpublish all user/admin videos
- Control user access permissions for each category & video
- Flexible menu layouts and Modules to design the site front-end
- Add videos & video playlists to article pages using plugin shortcodes
- Images optimized for better site performance
** User Features **
- Watch videos based on the access permission set by the admin
- Add Videos
- Can edit/delete own videos
- Comment videos
- Rate videos
- Embed videos to your website
- Share video page to your social networking site