3D Tags for EasyTagCloud
-Set the width and height of tag cloud
-Set interval between animation frames
-Set maximum and minimum speed of rotation
-Set drag control and drag threshold
-Set initial to start rotation automatically
-Set time to fade in
-Set deceleration rate when mouse leave
-Set maximum and minimum brightness of tags at back of cloud
-Set text color
-Set color, method, thickness, offset, pulsate opacity and pulsate time of outline
-Set deepth
-Set freeze active and decel
-Set front select
-Set click to front
-Set reverse direction of movement
-Set zoom, wheel zoom, zoom step, maximum zoom and munimum zoom
-Set color, blur and offset of shadow
-Set weight mode, weight size and weight gradient
-Set the shape of the cloud, could be sphere, hcylinder, vcylinder, hring and vring
-Set to limit rotation of the cloud using the mouse
-Set to initial size of cloud from center to sides, from center to top and bottom or from center to front and back
-Set to stretch or compress the cloud horizontally or vertically
-Set the offsets the centre of the cloud horizontally and vertically
-Set to prevent the selection of tags
-Set to prevent any mouse interaction