Vina Product Scroller for JShopping
- All in One: You can choose to show Latest Products, Best Seller, Top Hits or Top Rating products.
- Unlimited Products: you can display unlimited product in scroller.
- Infinitely looping: Loop through your slides endlessly in both directions.
- Touch Swipe by Finger: When touch this module, it will freeze and then move to the direction that finger swipes to.
- Cross Browser, All Browsers Supported: This module is cross browser slider, all browsers are supported (IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile, Android Browser, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows Surface etc.).
- Mobile Device Optimized: This module works on any javascript enabled browser, including Windows Phone, iOS, Android and Opera Mobile etc.
- Beautiful Transition Effects.
- You can select module background image, background color, item background color, text color ...
- Allow to change transitions speed, duration, and desired effect.
- Powered by jQuery, so no more JS is required to be loaded.
- Totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS. To manipulate almost everything!
- Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page.