Vina Item Tiled for K2

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Vina Item Tiled for K2 is a great module for Joomla 3 to display items of K2 Component in a responsive scroller and you can control number of row, column to display items. This module is based on Jssor jQuery Slider - is announced as one of the best performance sliders. It's very lightweight and looks good on almost all major browsers and devices. It supports responsive design and works well on touch devices. You also can change background color, text color or use background image for module to match the style of your website. You will interesting with more effects and options to configure.

Main Features:
- Retrieve items from categories or select specific items.
- Allow to sort order by: Recently Added/Recently Modified/ Ordering/Title or Random.
- Infinitely looping: Loop through your slides endlessly in both directions.
- Touch Swipe by Finger/Mouse: When touch Vina Item Tiled for K2, it will freeze and then move to the direction that finger swipes to.
- Responsive: Vina Item Tiled for K2 can be scaled to any size at realtime.
- Mobile Device Optimized: Vina Item Tiled for K2 works on any javascript enabled browser, including Windows Phone, iOS, Android and Opera Mobile etc.
- Cross Browser, All Browsers Supported: Vina Item Tiled for K2 is cross browser slider, all browsers are supported (IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile, Android Browser, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows Surface etc.).
- Arrow Key Navigation: Keyboard arrow key navigation is enabled, press arrow left key to swipe left, press arrow right key to swipe right.
- You can control number of row, column to display items.
- Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page.
- Support for Joomla 3.2.3+ and K2 2.5.6+
- Totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS. To manipulate almost everything!

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