JUX Layer Slideshow
This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects. All customization can be handled via jQuery Options, HTML 5 data-attributes and CSS!
- Image and Thumbs fully resizable
- Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery
- Unlimited Caption Layers
- Unlimited Slides
- iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled
- jQuery Conflict free plugin
- Customizable 100% via Plugin Parameters / CSS / HTML
- Easy installation
- Special Easing
- Example Pages included
- Vimeo & Youtube Supported
- Optional Shadows included
- Hide Captions Separately or Together depending on Slider Width
- Hide whole Slider Depending on Screen Width
- 10 Different Caption Animation Types
- 20 Different Slide Transitions, and Unlimited Variations due Rotation and Amount of Slots
- Two Level Animations of Captions. Start Time, End time, Different Animation Type and Easing at Start and End
- Captions for Video, Image and html tags can be easily Created
- CSS3 Transitions with jQuery Animation Fall Back
- Full Screen Video
- Public API, such as stop, start, next, prev, jump to slide, event at video play, start and stop, events at slide change… 10 Different Examples included to know how the Features work