echo JText::_( 'COM_MTREE_MY_PRODUCT' ) ?>
Results 1 - 4 of 4
Bad Word Filter (BWF) is a FREE! plugin for Joomla 1.5
It's functionality is pretty simple: Find a word from a user-defined list and replace it with some user-defined HTML.
E ...
My ShortList is a very smart and quick extension to allow your visitors, a favourite links list, with quick access to them.
My ShortList is ideal for websites featuring a number o ...
Newsletter Subscriber is a free Joomla! Plugin and Module..!
It is a simple form to subscribe to a newsletter.
When the user clicks the button, it sends an email to the recipie ...
NS Pro.
Managing your Mailing Lists, Subscribers & Newsletters has NEVER been EASIER.
With just 15 euros, NS Pro gives you a lightweight, very easy to use, very easy to install ...