JD Skill Set - Best Joomla Number Counter Module JD Skill Set is a most advanced Free Joomla Module to showcase your skill set with animated numbers, comes with a friendly user i ...
SJ Highlight Items for K2 - An impressive Joomla 3.x module to emphasize items for K2 component. The module will arrange items as images slider and retrieve items from categories. ...
SJ Listing Tabs for K2 is a stunning Joomla listing tabs extension for K2 component to show your products lively and conveniently. The module displays products according to categor ...
Creating a Facebook page is easy, and if we have a Joomla based site our job to create a Facebook page becomes much easier. The Joomla Facebook Module is easy to use and allows cre ...
Ever wanted to annoy your visitors with a FancyBox Pop-Up when they enter your pages? - Well, here's your chance! Use it to show a message, as a image gallery, add any content ...
Module to show articles inside a scroolbar provided box.
6 votes
With this plugin you can insert a sidebar in which to place modules or menus.
7 votes

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