Size Chart Magento Extension will allow the admin to easily add new size chart image from the admin and each size chart can be assigned to product separately. Easily manage with a ...
Sixbros is a Clean & Creative One page Joomla! business template that will suit for creative agency, professional portfolio , business and corporate websites. Simple, clean and min ...
This Magento extension will allow the administration to enable or disable the Maintenance mode for the store. Display maintenance page as per the options set from system settings. ...
Site Maintenance extension for Magento will allow the administration to enable or disable the Maintenance mode for the store. Display maintenance page as per the options set from s ...
Just insert Youtube link with additional v or vh after http and plugin will be automatically insert youtube video in your content article. For example for link ...
Simply Ciity and Simply Cisty 2 are clean, corporate Joomla template designs we have created and released at the web site. Simply City and Simply City 2 include three web designs p ...
Simplix is a super-personal theme that focuses on you: the blog owner. Due to the Lifestream function, which allows to connect social resources to your blog and make it alive and i ...
This exciting new template features a clean and simple design and plenty of RocketTheme horsepower under the hood. Maximum flexibility and a plethora of typography and module varia ...
Simplism is an advanced wordpress theme including a two-tier dropdown menu for pages/child pages, a home page with a custom index loop including featured posts as well as a jquery- ...
Simplicity is a business theme that is hugely customizable with a clean layout, featured home page slider, and custom post types for testimonials, portfolio items, mini-features an ...
TEMPLATE FEATURES: 10 Module Positions Joomla 1.5 template / Joomla 1.6 template / Joomla 1.7 template versions included Tableless and css based design W3C CSS / W3C XHTML Vali ...
PRODUCT INFORMATION: Its very easy when designing something to over do and add unnecessary accessories or design "flares" to the piece of work. This month Simplex is intended to b ...
Simplex is a mutli-use template that makes customizing incredibly easy. Simplex comes with 10 themes. Total Control Parameters allow you very precise control over your template loo ...
DESCRIPTION: This March we follow up previous release of Duplex, present to you with Simplex. Simplex is twin project of Duplex. It inherits some excellent design elements of Dupl ...
To top off this ecommerce month we are glad to introduce the new and improved Simple Shop Remix Joomla ecommerce template. Simple Shop Remix is by far the cleanest ecommerce templa ...
SimplePress is a slick new page-based theme great for anyone looking to give their website a clean and professional look. My goal with this design was to make something similar to ...

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