Advance Table Pricing using CSV
Advance Table Pricing using CSV

The Advance Table Pricing magento module allows you to easily create and manage products with one or two dimensions with variable sizes and variable prices. This module uses CSV file to calculate price against the user’s selected size. Easily create all the available sizes and prices in a CSV file and assign it to a product. With drop-down input support you can restrict the user to select sizes from predefined list thus giving you more control over the product sizes and price. Instead of creating complex, configurable products with hundreds of associated simple products, you can create all in one product that can be easily managed.
This CSV based pricing module is ideal for products with 2 dimensions or 1 dimension and variable sizes: for example Windows, blinds, carpets, sheets, wood, glass, frames, pictures, tiles, pipes, wires, ropes etc.
• Enable/Disable Advance Table Pricing module from configuration
• Can be used for area based products i.e Length x Width etc
• Can be used for single option i.e Length or height etc
• Discount on output value e.g result of [L x W] etc
• Supports fixed and percent discount
• Supports multiple discounts per product
• Supported field types: Text field & Drop-down
• Global CSV file option
• 5 input unit types i.e. Inches, feet, millimeter, centimeter and meter
• 5 output unit types i.e. Inches, feet, millimeter, centimeter and meter
• Can set validation messages per product or globally
• Automatic detection of minimum and maximum values from CSV
• Without modifying core files & magento database tables.
• Easy installation
• Free professional installation and configuration
• Free technical support
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