BreezingForms Custom Fields for VirtueMart

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Custom Fields for VirtueMart enables you to use the power of VIrtuemart and BreezingForms combined into one solution and display a form right into your product details pages and collect data on the add-to-cart action -- including many hot features.

Here is what it does:

- Build a custom form and embed it right into a VirtueMart product page

- Require shoppers to complete all required form fields before they add the item to their cart

- Build complex product selections for configurable items, conditional fields and more, using all the wonderful BreezingForms functionality you love

- Adjust and/or override product pricing based on form responses or calculated fields

- Brings form field responses into VM2 product details

- Selected form fields display in the cart and on the order

- Add any BreezingForm to unlimited VM2 products in your store (currently supports up to 10 unique forms)

- Build a form once, and embed the form into a VM2 product in one easy step by adding a single custom field to its configuration

- Apply your BreezingForms CSS to form content in the VM2 product page to make beautiful product selection sections

- All of this with NO hack to either VirtueMart or BreezingForms!

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