Dineromail For DJ-Classifieds
Install Instructions:
1_ Make shure you have latest DJ-Classifieds version, tested with DJ-Classifieds 2.2.1 - Check latest version, click here
2_ Install it using joomla installer
3_ Publish plugin in Joomla! plugin manager
4_ Configure payment method by clicking it's name in Joomla! plugin manager
5_ Get your Dineromail merchant ID from your Dineromail account page, remember to strip last "/" and number
6_ Set configuratin as you like
7_ Save configuration using upper plugin config buttons
IPN Instructions:
To be able to use the IPN v2 functionality, you need to configure the notificacion URL and IPN v2 pass code in DineroMail, to do so, follow this simple steps:
1_ Check if your Joomla installation is in the web root of your domain or in a subfolder
2_ If you have Joomla 2.5 in root folder, your URL may be http://www.yoursite.com/index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&task=processPayment&ptype=djcfDineromail&pactiontype=notify
3_ If you have Joomla 2.5 in sub folder, your URL may be http://www.yoursite.com/your_joomla_subfolder/index.php?option=com_djclassifieds&task=processPayment&ptype=djcfDineromail&pactiontype=notify
After you have determined wich is your correct notificacion URL, click here and go to option like 'Datos de usuario' and then 'Configurar IPN' to add your IPN v2 notificacion URL and passcode.
Additional info for DinermMail Chile, Argenrina and Mexico users: Because of DineroMail restrictions, you are required to verify your account before you can use any payment method offered by DineroMail.
More info here:
* Mexico: http://www.blogdineromail.com/validacion-de-cuentas-dm-mexico/
* Argentina: http://www.blogdineromail.com/validacionar/
* Chile: http://www.blogdineromail.com/validacion-de-cuentas-dm-chile/
Release History
First Release