Joomla Extensions

A universal module to display specified menu items or Joomla categories in drop-down or tree view mode. You can select the required menu items and construct a manual menu from the ...
The content plugin adds “Buy me a coffee” block below the article to get donations to PayPal or Yandex money from readers who like an article. You can set up the default settings a ...
An easy way to display contact persons with a nice look and design anywhere on the website. You just need to add contacts with required information, and change the design of the mo ...
The plugin creates an article from a message sent via Contacts component (com_contacts) and saves it in the specified category as well as sends a copy of the message to a specified ...
This ZOO element adds great features of new Google Maps API inside of any ZOO content. Google Maps Markers for ZOO has wide settings and you can choose the type of the map, set up ...
SJ Highlight Items for K2 - An impressive Joomla 3.x module to emphasize items for K2 component. The module will arrange items as images slider and retrieve items from categories. ...
SJ Listing Tabs for K2 is a stunning Joomla listing tabs extension for K2 component to show your products lively and conveniently. The module displays products according to categor ...
SJ Search Job for JS Jobs - An exquisite Joomla module for JS Jobs component. This module is designed to perform search jobs, resumes through JS Jobs component. You can easily set ...
SJ Weather is a powerful weather module for Joomla 3.x using OpenWeatherMap API. It allows you to briefly display weather in particular area. You can use SJ Weather at the top of ...
Yandex Maps Markers for ZOO is an element for ZOO CCK that displays nice Yandex Maps (v2.0) in ZOO content items. Using this element you can implement multiple maps on the same pag ...
The new element for ZOO has arrived allowing integration of interactive maps from 2GIS service, which remarkable feature is a complete itemisation of geographic data and localities ...
Looking for something modern, bright and universal? Ixion is a free Joomla! template and Wordpress theme that can be used for building blog related website for travellers, upwardly ...
This extension displays a list of JoomShopping products recently viewed by other visitors, so you can display what other people interested in and increase sales conversion rate of ...
NorrCompetition – Joomla extension for photo and video contests organising with rating and results display. Do you have a model agency, city portal, community or thematic website? ...
Have direct acces to Virtuemart most used views and some usefull tools made by Studio 42. YOu can hide or show the icon you need. Extremelly usefull if you use joomla mainly ...
OS Responsive Image Gallery is very simple and easy in use Joomla 2.5 – 3.x gallery. Features: Several upload possibilities through button "Select" (traditional method) and Drag' ...

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