Using this add-on you can implement Open Graph tags into ZOO content to make pages friendly to social networks, as a result when you post a link to the page in Facebook or Twitter, ...
Allow customers to pay Facebook likes for your products and services. Open a huge channel for the stream of potential clients. - Build up multiple social links; - Promote product ...
The Magento Facebook Connect Extension allows the customer to login into your store by using their Facebook account which is fast, reliable and secure. Could you imagine how many c ...
Apptha's Magento Facebook App extension enables you to create a store on your Facebook page, through which your customers can shop your products. A Facebook online store has go ...
Creating a Facebook page is easy, and if we have a Joomla based site our job to create a Facebook page becomes much easier. The Joomla Facebook Module is easy to use and allows cre ...
The most powerful comments module that allows customers to leave a Facebook comment on your site, and also post it on their Facebook wall for their friends to see. Easy comment ...

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