I. Luxurious Design
Focus on noble elegance, MagenTech designers team has created 6 theme skins available with muted tones, delicate design and the most important thing is clear layout. Along with a beautiful design, theme is converged many premium extensions with lots of gadgets to help improve website's usability as well as make customers feel easy and comfortable when shopping.

II. Outstanding Features:

- Support Magento 1.7.x
- Cross-browser: IE 8+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
- 100% table-less design, based on CSS3 with many animated effects
- Support 3 layouts for pages: 1, 2 or 3 columns
- Mega Menu, Css Menu or Split Menu
- Integrated Google Fonts
- Include premium extensions: SM Slick slider, SM Slider
- Responsive layout for PCs and Mobiles
- Various color styles and typography by powerful Cpanel
- Custom wishlist page, cart page and contact page
- Cloud Zoom for product images
- Accordion for Shop By and Categories panel
- Additional Footer, Back to top button and Navigation links
- Social networks integration
- Support SEO, pre- and post- text with each instance of modules
- 6 Preset Color Styles: yellow, pink, green, purple, cyan, orange