SJ Viste is a powerful e-commerce template for Joomla 2.5 and designed with innovative Flat design. This template comes with 5 colors scheme, 8 bonus page and a wide range of premium extensions. SJ Viste offers everything you want in an online webstore, it seems really perfect solution for a computer store, camera store, mobile store... Integrated with VirtueMart -
SJ Decou is a stunningly beautiful design for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x, it allows you to create a dynamic content managed site in any way you can imagine. With innovative Flat design - a trendy design to look fantastic for all devices as well as
SJ Snap is the first our commerce template from SmartAddons Club using Listbingo Componenthas released, it is a responsive template for Joomla 2.5. Thanks to Listbingo Component - a best classified site builder, this template must be a perfect choice for creating multi-purpose classified and
The big deal of discount for Vietnam Independence Day has been offered by SmartAddons and MagenTech! A great bargain and you should not ignore: "save up 40% OFF for all Joomla, Magento, WordPress products and joining Clubs"
The first impression when looking at SJ Sport Store is strong and energetic that template brings. This template is the latest e-commerce Joomla template of SmartAddons that's built with modern technology and based on YT Framework. So it’s totally responsive and extremely flexible to customize
A few days ago, the United States Postal Service rolled out changes to their API that impact Priority and Express mail shipping options. USPS is changing the name of these two shipping methods and their Webtools API was updated to match those changes. Merchants on
[SmartAddons] New releases of Joomla! were available last day: J! 2.5.14 and 3.1.5. These are mainly by a security fix for a critical bug. This bug allows someone to bypass filters then upload malicious things without privilege. We can find more about it here. Updating