First , you need to access your cPanel account and find the Softaculous icon under the "Software Services" section. It should be located in the lower part of your cPanel page, right under the "Domains" section.

You have to click on the Softaculous icon and then you will be redirected to the auto installer's home page. On the left side of the screen is the categories menu. The next step is to find the "Portal/CMS" category and click on it to expand it. You will see a lit of CMS apps that you can install. Click on the Joomla 2.5 link, so that Softaculous will open the Joomla 2.5 installation page. It is important to notice that there is another link for Joomla . You need to click on the Joomla 2.5 text button or you will install an older version of the application.

On the next page, you will find out more information about the Joomla application and the different features that it offers. To proceed to the installation screen click on the blue "Install" button.

This is the most important step at which you should configure the new Joomla 2.5 application. Most of the fields are automatically filled in by the installer and you don't need to change them. However, we advise you to change the text in the following fields:
- Site Name: This is the name of your website. By default it is set to "My Joomla".
- Site Description: Here you can provide a short description of your website.
- Admin Username: By default this field is set to "admin". You can change it and we strongly advise you to do it, so that an attacker will not be able to guess your administrative username.
- Admin Password: The administrative password for your website is a randomly generated one. If you want to change it simply type the new password in the field.
- Admin Email: In this field you should type your email address. It is needed, so that the application can send you a new password in case you can't login.
- Real Name: Here you can type your real name if you want to.
Please note that by default Softaculous will install the Joomla app in the root folder of your account. If you want to install the CMS in another sub-folder simply type it in the field.
Finally, scroll down to the end of the page and click on the "Install" button:

That's it! Your Joomla 2.5 application is installed and ready to use. The installer will redirect you to a new page where you will see the details for the completed installation. You can now login and create your Joomla website.