Click on the New button and enter the details of your new contacts category. Only the Title value is required. You can also set the preferred configuration for the rest of the options.
Save the changes and return to Components->Contacts->Contacts.
Click on the New icon to begin the setup of your Contact us page.
Enter the required values in the corresponding fields.
Review the options listed in the right part of the page and set them per your needs.
In order to receive a copy of the contact form inquiries, enter a valid e-mail in the Contact Options list.
Save the Contact Us page setup and navigate to Menus->Main Menu to publish it. Click on Add New Menu Item.
Define the menu item type from the corresponding dialog.
Enter the Menu Title value and select the contact in the right part of the page by clicking on the Change Contact button.
Review and set the other options that are not mandatory per your requirements.
Save the new menu item and check it on the front end.